Hardstyle Elements Q&A: Work in audio? What if I don’t know what pattern/melody my synths gonna play?

“Thats why in most DAW’s we have option to save the midi clips/music loops even with whole fx chain. You can also freeze tracks, and when you really need to change something, you can always go back and tweak things. For example in Studio One when you save a musicloop, it saves audio too, thats…

Hardstyle Elements Q&A: How to use reference tracks inside DAW?

“It’s simple, create separate audio track, then set the output to External Output, now this track won’t be affected by master chain. Set the volume of reference so it matches your track. TIP: Another handy plugin is Magic AB where you can import multiple reference tracks.” Get Q&A Hardstyle Elements Euphoria E-BOOK at: https://redpillzaudio.com/?product=qa-hardstyle-elements-euphoria-redpillz-audio-free-e-book