Hardstyle Elements Q&A: Ok SoundDesign is the most important thing, I get it. but how do I get better at it?

“The easiest way to get better at sound design, is to make few copies of the sound/synth and then play around with the effects/settings and then bounce the sounds to audio, think like you own hardware, bounce things to audio, separate your main projects from experimentation projects. For example create project and name it Leads, use synthesizers, equalizers, reverbs, distortion, compressors, everything you need. If you heard some kick ass Lead and want to emulate that, create an audio track and call it Examples or Reference. Now you can play around with the synthesizers and effects without creating a mess inside your main project. The same goes for every other element for ex. Kick, Screeches, FX, Drums, Snares etc.”

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